Yesterday I went through the linnen slash lets throw everything in here closet.
It was mostly easy to decide what would be entered into the garage sale and what would be tossed.
Then I came across some wedding memorabilia. This is a difficult one for me. I dont want to spare room to take it... But I also dont want to throw it. It deserves better than that :)
For now.. It's in a box marked memorabilia and I will be putting other such items in that box to stay here.
But even that sounds nuts.
Vat ya gonna do?
It was mostly easy to decide what would be entered into the garage sale and what would be tossed.
Then I came across some wedding memorabilia. This is a difficult one for me. I dont want to spare room to take it... But I also dont want to throw it. It deserves better than that :)
For now.. It's in a box marked memorabilia and I will be putting other such items in that box to stay here.
But even that sounds nuts.
Vat ya gonna do?
I think that's a great idea, Marlo! There are things I wish I would have kept as a aunt tells me all the time that whenever I want to box something up for keepsakes, she will have it stored for me. I am definitely going to do that with the girls...take their items that they treasured the most and save them. I still have the teddy bear that was given to me on my birth day :)