Dessert Safari

We decided to go on a dessert safari.

We called. Kids 3 years and up are allowed. Great!

We arrive to the meeting place. Get on a bus and drive an hour to get to the middle of the dessert.

Here we are. This is going to ROCK!

Looks like something out of a dream right!?

We were super excited...

We had NO clue, so we strap in. And hold on tight!

It was INSANE. I was too busy holding on for dear life to take video or pictures. For future reference, or for anyone thinking about going on one of these excursions, it is not something you should take your three year old on. 

Sure. We are fine and safe. But it was a HUGE risk on our part and totally terrifying. In retrospect it was more fun than it was during the time. 

Would I do it again? HELL YES! However, I would go with my husband or girlfriends. NOT with my three year old! 

Holy Hell. I cannot describe it. Little Narch is screaming she is so terrified and I'm holding onto her for dear life. I am making small talk and WEEEEE noises in sing song voice to try and keep her calm. Talking about what how camels have to climb the hills to get to the shrubs to eat them and telling her how they can go for long times without water. It took everything I had in me to stay calm. Everything!

Finally.... Solid Ground

Well sort of. They dropped us off at a restaurant in the middle of the dessert. NoWhere Land!

There were camel rides and you could rent a ATV. (Which I breathtakingly declined. I had had enough adventure for one day).

The only thing I kept thinking is if I had to take the death ride back?

We don't ride animals so we found some park equipment to keep ourselves entertained on.

I'm happy to report that her fat lip is healing nicely and I dont think she will lose her teeth!
We sat down to relax and have dinner and we had a great time and lots of photo ops which were caught even though The Mayor left the camera in the car ;)

I am happy to report that although we did take the off road cars home, it was a 3 min drive rather than a 15 min one and we made it home safe and sound :) 

Only in Dubai!  The saying is starting to make a LOT of sense. You gotta love this place!
