Yesterday Narchville did The Color Walk.
Something happened over the last week and Joelle morphed into this different person.
Posing for pictures and looking like a grown up.
I am 34 weeks now! It was a little ambitious of me to expect myself to participate in a full 5k.
(I am paying for it today - Bring on the swelling)
But I can't resist The Color Run. It's one of my favorites! When I found out they were having one in Dubai I almost cried!
Joelle was in a GREAT MOOD! How could you not be when your mother hands you a bag of colored corn starch and tells you to go raving mad paint bombing anyone you see in white and then walking through a cloud of pink!
She was a riot. Grabbing everyone's attention and throwing her extra paint on all the expats! Everyone asked to stop and take a picture with her after she color bombed them!
We didn't 'DO' Thanksgiving this year. (I made mini pumpkin pie but that is all)
So it was great to do something together as a family that made us soooo happy!
One thing we have learned by moving to Dubai is WE are all we've got! It's important to stop and well....
Taste the Rainbow!
In the US it's The Color Run here is was called The Color Walk.
If there is one in your area I highly suggest taking the family, even if you aren't a runner. It is THE best time!
If there is one in your area I highly suggest taking the family, even if you aren't a runner. It is THE best time!
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