First Day September 2014

Today was an eventful day! We haven't officially started our Homeschool year in Narchville, but that doesn't mean structured learning isn't underway.

WE finally got our yearly membership to our small but accessible library.  WE are pretty excited!! So WE spent all day there doing our reading and writing lessons. Then joyfully picked out books!

Happy First Day!!!

My DBFF! (Dubai Friend Forever) 

If you love First Day posts you can gorge your eyes on more at Journey to Josie.


  1. That close up of you is stunning! I love getting to see more of Lebanon. Are those ski lifts in the background?

    1. Actually... We are in Dubai ;) Yes. There is a ski hill in the Mall of the Emirates. Malls here are like WAY bigger than the Mall of America and have all the tourist attractions in them. (AND GROCERY STORES) Which rocks.

  2. Your library looks nice. Great first day!


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